Configure Export - Boxing

This topic describes how to configure options for exporting subtitles in certain image-based formats.  These options allow you to customise the appearance of the rendered images in various ways.


These settings are accessed via Toolbox->Configure->Customer : Export->Boxing


Currently, the boxing settings apply to the following NLE export formats:



Note that unlike the other Configure Export settings which are stored per-customer, the Boxing settings are stored per-workstation and are global to all users of a particular workstation.


The options allow you to configure the appearance of the images as described below:


Sets the degree of transparency of the subtitle text.



These settings allow you to display a background box around the subtitle text.


An Effect type of 'None' selects no boxing, otherwise a box in the chosen style will be displayed.  The boxing colour can be selected from the drop-down list.

Semi-Transparency : Sets the transparency level of the background box.

Extra Spacing... : Allows the background box to be extended further to the left and right edges of the subtitle text



Use these settings to fine-tune the position of the subtitles.



Use these settings to fine-tune the quality, thickness, brightness and contrast of the subtitle text.

See Also:

Customer option and settings

Export a file

Settings and data file locations