Wincaps Q4 DVD Builder


The Wincaps Q4 DVD Builder (referred to hereafter as the DVD Builder) is an application that takes Wincaps Q4 subtitle files and generates bitmap images and control files. These files are typically used to provide subtitle information to a DVD authoring system or subtitle encoder.  The DVD Builder can also be used to match some text based file formats.


You can create a DVD Builder job for the currently open file by selecting  File : Send To : Wincaps DVD Builder from the main menu. This opens a dialog that guides you through the steps of creating the job.  When you click Finish, Wincaps Q4 will send the job to the DVD Builder for processing.


You need to configure the DVD Builder settings before using it for the first time.    


Note that this feature is only available when working with Open Caption personality files.


Refer to the Wincaps DVD Builder User Guide for further information about the Wincaps Q4 DVD Builder.

See Also:

Configure Export - DVD Builder

Export a file