File history (audit trail)

Wincaps Q4 maintains an audit trail for offline (W32) subtitle files.  The audit trail information is stored within the subtitle files themselves and allows you to record and review the history of changes made to the files during the authoring process.  


To view the audit trail for a file, click the Audit Trail button in the File section of the Toolbox->File Info tab.


The Audit Trail dialog is displayed as shown below:




The audit trail consists of a list of entries, each comprising of a time-stamp, the Windows login name of the user who was editing the file and a brief comment.  The audit trail also records the version number of Wincaps Q4 in use at the time.


Wincaps Q4 inserts an initial "File Created" entry when a subtitle file is first created.  Subsequently, you can add further entries manually by clicking the Add... button and completing the following dialog:



Enter the comment text and click Yes to create the new audit trail entry.  



Entries are displayed most recent first.   Note that once created, audit trail entries cannot be edited or removed, although pressing Cancel in the main Audit Trail dialog will cancel any comments that were added whilst the dialog was last open.

See Also:

File basics