Live Replay of timed stories

In this article:



Preparing stories for Live Replay



This topic describes how you can use Live Replay to transmit subtitles that have been previously timed, e.g. against a video clip.


Live Replay requires a suitable rolling timecode source.


You can configure the timecode source from the Configure pane of the Toolbox. Typically the PC Clock is the best source.



If a timecode source is enabled, the timecode display (above) will show the current time from the timecode source.


You can pause a running timecode device by clicking inside the timecode display.  The numbers will dim to indicate that the timecode is paused.  Clicking on the timecode display again will restart the timecode.     


If you nudge the timecode (see below), the nudge offset is shown to the right of the timecode display.


IMPORTANT: Note that the selected timecode source is common to all open documents.  In other words, if you have multiple documents open, pausing the timecode  in one file will pause the timecode in all other files.

Preparing stories for Live Replay


You begin with one or more stories containing untimecoded subtitles.  Typically the subtitles will have been generated automatically by the Newsroom Interface.  You will need to associate the VT clip to the story.  Use Edit Mode in the normal way to format the subtitles as desired.  


The next step is to set timecodes for the subtitles that correspond to the video clip.   This can be done in several ways, for example using Fix Mode.


  IMPORTANT: All subtitles must be in sequence and timed sensibly for Live Replay to function correctly.  If Q-Live encounters an out-of-sequence subtitle then the live replay will stop immediately and an error will be displayed in the Messages window,  You can run a sequence check on the file to identify any such problems in advance.


At this point you have one or more stories that comprise a sequence of timecoded subtitles, possibly with other non-timecoded subtitles before or after the timed sequence.  The subtitles are now ready to be replayed.


The system will be in Live Mode, possibly with manual cueing or real-time input preceding the timecoded clip.  In "Live scroll, cued block" transmission mode, Live Replay outputs block subtitles.  



If the system is configured for Word Scroll transmission mode, subtitles are appended to the queue as normal but the queue drain is speeded up if necessary to prevent the subtitles from falling behind the VT clip.

Status and error reporting

When a file is placed in Live Mode, its document tab changes colour to red as shown below.

When Live Replay is running in a specific document, its tab changes colour to green.

This allows you to monitor the status of any non-active documents that are currently replaying subtitles.

When Live Replay is started for a document, the Status Bar shows a "Started..." message for a few seconds, as shown below:

A corresponding "Live Replay stopped" message is displayed whenever a document stops replaying.

If a Live Replay process is halted because of a problem, Q-Live logs an error in the Message Window as shown below:


See Also:

Live subtitling basics

Story operations