Adjust timecodes for a range of subtitles

Wincaps Q4 allows you to choose a range of subtitles and apply an offset to all timecodes, as well as changing their fixed/floating status.


You can adjust timecodes in one of the following ways:



Wincaps Q4 will first prompt you to select the range of subtitles to be changed.


If you switch to the Compact View and select a range of subtitles first, then Wincaps Q4 will skip the display of the Choose Subtitle Range dialog.



The default settings will adjust the timecodes for all subtitles in the current file/story.  


Choose the range of subtitles to modify and click OK.  Wincaps Q4 will now ask you to choose how the timecodes should be modified:




You can specify the offset  in either of two ways:



Note that the three boxes are linked so that the effect of any change in one is immediately shown in the others.  

To change the fixed/floating status of the timecodes, click on the Fixed Status tab.




Click OK to apply the changes.  A confirmation message will be displayed.  


Q4 will apply the specified offset to each subtitle in the chosen range, and/or change their status.   


This operation cannot be undone except by restoring from the automatic backup

See Also:

Clear timecodes for a range of subtitles

Re-Sync timecodes

Timecode basics