Re-Sync timecodes


You can use the Re-Sync Timecodes operation to quickly re-time the file/story from the current subtitle onwards.  This is particularly useful in situations where the video has been recut.  The current subtitle is given an In Time that matches the current video position and all subsequent timecodes are offset by the same amount.    


Use the following procedure to re-sync the timecodes:


  1. Select the first subtitle to be re-timed

  2. Position the video at the point where you want to set the In time of the current subtitle

  3. Activate the Re Sync operation via one of the following methods:

    • Press the Ctrl Shift R key

    • Click the Toolbox->File Info->Timecode modification->Re-Sync button.  


The following dialog is displayed.



  1. The value of New IN time is set to the current video timecode.  You can adjust it if required before clicking OK.

  2. When you click OK the current subtitle is given the new value of In Time and all subsequent timecodes are offset by the same amount.


This operation cannot be undone except by restoring from the automatic backup. This does not apply to Q-Live, where there is no undo.


NB: In Q-Live you can only re-sync one Story at a time


See Also:

Adjust timecodes for a range of subtitles

Clear timecodes for a range of subtitles

Timecode basics