Configure Microsoft Office for spell check

Wincaps Q4 uses MSOffice to perform the spelling check.  Consequently the Wincaps Q4 spelling check will be disabled if:



In order for spell checking to work, Wincaps Q4 must have a supported version of MSWord or MSOffice installed.  The following versions have been tested and are known to work:



Note that when installing MSWord from the Office installer, you also need to install the "Office Tools" component.


Wincaps Q4 supports Office 365 when downloaded locally to the PC




For languages other than English to work,  the relevant MSOffice/MSWord lexicons must be installed on the client machine.  These are normally provided as a separate add-on e.g. for Office 2007 the "Office Multi-Language Pack" is required.


The behaviour of the Wincaps Q4 spell check is dependant on the following spelling options configured in MSWord:


You should configure these settings as desired in MSWord and Wincaps Q4 will use them.  Note that it is not possible to configure these settings from within Wincaps Q4 itself.


The Wincaps Q4 spell check uses the standard MSWord spelling dictionaries.  Wincaps Q4 will also use any active MSWord custom dictionaries, though there is no facility to add words to these dictionaries from within Wincaps Q4.  

Note that MSWord stores configuration settings on a per-user basis, so Wincaps Q4’s spelling behaviour will depend on how the active user has configured MSWord on any particular workstation.

See Also:

Checks basics