House Styles check


Click here to learn how to run a check


The House Styles check allows you to apply a chosen set of House Styles to the subtitle file.  Wincaps Q4 will identify any words or phrases that exist in the currently active set of house styles.  You can then review the matches and replace them with the corresponding substitutions as required.


After the House Styles check has been run, matching words and phrases are underlined with a "dashed line" as shown below:



In this example, an active House Style is defined for the phrase "do not" in the "Contractions" House Style topic as shown below.  This causes any occurrences of "do not" in the subtitle file to be underlined.    



The HouseStyle Review dialog allows you to review and replace any matching House Styles found by the check.  The dialog is activated by running the Check Review method.



The matching phrase is displayed together with its corresponding House Style replacement.  


The buttons operate as follows:



After clicking any of these buttons the focus will automatically move on to the next House Style or else a "House Style Check complete" message will be displayed if the end of the file is reached.


Click on the Close button to cancel the House Style review.

See Also:

Checks basics

Shortforms check