Configure Export - EBU

This topic describes the options for exporting subtitles in the EBU file format.   These settings can be used to make exports compatible with third-party EBU implementations.


STL Flavours


These settings are accessed via Toolbox->Configure->Customer : Export->EBU.


A multi-tabbed dialog is displayed with the following sections:


This tab configures the export options for Open Caption files.  The Default button can be used to quickly restore the default settings. For Wincaps EBU STL flavour; 'Generic' use the default settings.


Maximum number of vertical rows : This information is stored in the GSI and can be numbered from 1 - 100 and specify the vertical height of the screen. The default is 24 which represents the number of vertical lines for Teletext output due to the fact that not all systems and devices can read the GSI information.

Maximum row length in characters : Any characters that exceed this length will be deleted from the end of the line, NOT word-wrapped to the next line. The default is 44 characters.


  Note: Accented characters are counted as two characters in Open Caption. A line of text with accented characters may therefore exceed the limit set although the file looks correct.


Treat rows as double height : A blank line will be added after each line of a subtitle. Default is disabled.

Insert spaces with control codes : spaces will be inserted after EBU control codes for colour and positioning: this may result in double spaces between words if multiple colours are used in a subtitle. Default is enabled.

Use Wincaps horizontal position indicator as STL Justification Code (JC) : The default JC setting in the EBU STL file is for the justification position setting in Wincaps. This means that all subtitles will be positioned using the justification setting in the Wincaps file and not the horizontal position setting. If the target system requires the Wincaps horizontal position setting then enabling this option will change the JC to the Wincaps horizontal position. This setting was used by the EBU STL 'Swift' export flavour used up to and including the 4.43.7 release.

GSI Code Page Number (CPN) : This is the code page used in the EBU STL spec for the GSI (General Subtitle Information) text. The default for Open Caption is 437. For Wincaps EBU STL flavours; 'Swift' and 'Win2020' use 850 as the GSI code page.


This tab configures the export options for languages with special requirements.  The Default button can be used to quickly restore the default settings.


Right to left ordering for Arabic/Hebrew :  The default setting uses left to right ordering, check this box to enable right to left ordering instead.

Use Arabic numbers : The default setting uses latin numbers, check this box to enable Arabic numbers instead.



This tab configures the export options for Teletext files.  The Default button can be used to quickly restore the default settings. For Wincaps EBU STL flavour; 'Standard' use the default settings.


Use STL unchanged presentation Justification Code (JC) for ALL subtitles : For systems that require the text field information to position Teletext subtitles enable this option. All subtitles will then have a JC of 0 which means the text field will be used to position the subtitle text using padding. The default setting in the export settings is disabled. Enable this option for Wincaps EBU STL flavour; 'Swift'.


Use Wincaps justification position indicator as STL Justification Code (JC) : The default JC setting in the EBU STL file is for the horizontal position setting in Wincaps. This means that all subtitles will be positioned using the horizontal position setting in the Wincaps file and not the justification position setting. If the target system requires the Wincaps justification position setting then enabling this option will change the JC to the Wincaps justification position. This setting was used by the EBU STL export flavours; 'Generic', 'Cavena', 'Poliscript' and 'Poliscript2' export flavours.


GSI Code Page Number (CPN) : This is the code page used in the EBU STL spec for the GSI (General Subtitle Information) text. The default for Teletext is 850. For Wincaps EBU STL flavour; 'Poliscript' use 437 as the GSI code page.



This tab has settings to change the numbering for the EBU STL file.

Zero Subtitle Group : The default setting is disabled.

In the default disabled state, the General Subtitle Information (GSI) block; 'Total Number of Subtitle Groups (TNG)' will be set to 001 and the Text and Timing Information (TTI) block;' Subtitle Group Numbe (SGN)r' will be set to 01.

When the option is ticked, the General Subtitle Information (GSI) block; 'Total Number of Subtitle Groups (TNG)' will be set to 000 and the Text and Timing Information (TTI) block;' Subtitle Group Number (SGN)' will be set to 00.

This setting is to support 3rd party systems that have interpreted the EBU STL spec to use zero group values.


Renumber subtitles from 000 : This option is to allow for zero numbered subtitles that have been imported into the subtitle list, using the EBU import configuration option. This will renumber all the subtitles back from 00 again when exported to EBU STL using Generic and Standard export options.


Renumber subtitles from 000 populated with text from Toolbox > GSI > Subtitle Zero : When ticking this option, the EBU STL file will insert a new 000 numbered subtitle that will be populated with the text in the Toolbox > GSI > Subtitle Zero box and also use the timecode from that box. The default setting is for the option to be disabled. Enable this option for Wincaps EBU STL flavours; 'Poliscript' and 'Poliscript2'.


User Defined Area (UDA) : This is a free field for extra General Subtitle Information (GSI) information. By default this field is blank. Wincaps EBU STL flavour; 'Swift' add 'x32'.


STL Flavours


Up until 4.43.7, Wincaps EBU STL export used multiple 'flavours' of that managed different interpretations by third party systems of the Specification. Some of these settings were hard coded, and in some cases created invalid EBU STL files. We now manage the EBU STL export using the Export settings.


The original ‘Flavour’s are listed below with the export settings that match the original ‘flavour’s’ export settings when exported from Wincaps:

Standard - No change to Wincaps default EBU STL Export Settings for a Teletext personality file.

Generic - No change to Wincaps default EBU STL Export Settings for an Open Caption personality file.

Swift - Default settings apart from enabling Use Wincaps position indicator as EBU STL Justification Code (JC) and the Maximum number of vertical rows and Maximum row length in characters both set to 99 and GSI Code Page Number (CPN) set to 850 in the Open Caption Settings options and enabling the Renumber subtitles from 000 option from the Misc options.

Cavena - Default settings apart from Maximum number of vertical rows set to 2 and Maximum row length in characters set to 47 in the Open Caption Settings options and enable Use Wincaps justification indicator as EBU STL Justification Code (JC) in the Teletext Settings.

Poliscript - Default settings except for Maximum number of vertical rows set to 15 and Maximum row length in characters set to 58 in Open Caption Settings, enable Use Wincaps justification indicator as EBU STL Justification Code (JC) and change GSI Code Page Number (CPN) to 437 in the Teletext Settings and enable the Renumber subtitles from 000 populated with text from Toolbox > GSI > Subtitle Zero option, which uses the text and timecode from the Subtitle Zero GSI box as the 000 subtitle in the Misc settings.

The labels are fixed.  The content for each row is automatically derived from the information in the Wincaps Q4 file as follows.  

Lang: - the PAC language code for the selected file language

Config: - 0
Story: - from the GSI "Programme title" field

Poliscript2 - Default settings except for Maximum number of vertical rows set to 15 and Maximum row length in characters set to 58 in Open Caption Settings, enable Use Wincaps justification indicator as EBU STL Justification Code (JC). 

Subtitle 000 (Zero) had a hard coded set of values for export as shown below:


The labels are fixed.  The content for each row is automatically derived from the information in the Q4 file as follows.  All content strings are automatically capitalised:


STORY: - from the GSI "Story" field
LANG: - the PAC language code for the selected file language
TITLE: - from the GSI "Programme Title" field

EPS: - from the GSI "Episode Title" field

START TC: - from the GSI "Start of programme" field

FIRST TITLE: - the In time of the first subtitle in the file

TOTAL No OF TITLES: - the total number of subtitles in the file

LAST TITLE TC: -  the In time of the last subtitle in the file   

When importing an STL file that contains a subtitle zero, the GSI information in Wincaps Q4 is populated from the contents of subtitle 0.   


Win2020 - Default settings except for Maximum number of vertical rows set to 11 and Maximum row length in characters set to 58, and change GSI Code Page Number (CPN) to 850 in Open Caption Settings.


See Also:

STL File Format

Customer option and settings

Export a file