Dragon controls

Speech input is only available in Wincaps Q4 Pro/Q-Live

This article describes how to configure and control the Dragon speech engine when operating in integrated Dragon input mode.


In direct Dragon mode, the speech engine is integrated into Q4/Q-Live and respoken text is inserted directly into the current subtitle. Text is always appended to maintain the speed of delivery. The SpeakTitle Window is replaced by the Dragon control panel shown below:



The controls operate as follows.  Note that where the description reads "Same as Dragon... " you should refer to the corresponding Dragon function for further information.




New User Profile...

Same as Dragon Profile : New User Profile...

Open User Profile...

Same as Dragon Profile : Open User Profile...

Save User Profile...

Same as Dragon Profile : Save User Profile


Same as Dragon Profile : Manage User Profiles

Start Dragon

Start the speech engine.

Stop Dragon

Stop the speech engine.  This will save workstation memory.




Auto Session Save

When this option is enabled, all speech input produced during the current Wincaps Q4 session will be saved to a DRA file.  DRA files are used to retrain Dragon.  They contain a combination of the text and the audio recording which can be loaded into DragonPad and used to refine the voice model.


Note, this option places an additional load on the system, you may want to ensure that it is disabled during critical periods (e.g. when respeaking a live broadcast).


The DRA file will be created in the Dragon logs folder and will be named <filename>-YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM.dra where <filename> is the name of the current W32/N32 file.  The Dragon logs folder is located here:




The DRA file will be saved when Dragon is stopped or else when Wincaps Q4 exits.  Wincaps Q4 will use a new DRA file each time Dragon is started.  Note that if you are working with multiple documents, the log file will be named after the first document you open.


See Also:

Respeak text via integrated Dragon input

Respeaking in Live Mode

Speech input basics