Sort timecodes

You can use the Tools : Sort Timecodes facility located on the main menu to re-sequence the whole of the current file (Wincaps Q4 Offline) or story (Q-Live) by timecode. This function is particularly useful following insertion from another file of a sequence of subtitles that interweave with the timing of the original subtitles. This may be needed for instance where the original video programme contained more than one language to be translated or where songs and dialog are initially translated separately and the files then need to be merged together.


A confirmation message will be displayed before the sort is carried out since this operation cannot be undone.


Note that if the file contains scene markers or section markers, the sort operation will not affect them and they will remain attached to their original subtitles.  You may need to correct any overlaps or discrepancies manually after the sort operation is complete.     

See Also:

Timecode basics