Configure text splitting

This topic describes how to configure the text splitting files.


The text splitting files are held globally in the main DataStore.  Any changes made to them will affect all users of the system.  


Intelligent text splitting is configured by importing a set of special files into the DataStore.  Wincaps Q4 allows you to configure the text splitting differently for each language, hence you will need to import a set of splitting files for each language you plan to subtitle in.  If you don't import any splitting files for a particular language, intelligent text splitting will not be enabled for that language.


Wincaps Q4 is supplied with a set of default text splitting files which are suitable for general English use.  To customise the text splitting for other languages, you should take a copy of these files and modify them according to the guidelines detailed here.      


Use the following steps to import and configure the text splitting files.  This only needs to be done once for each language unless you choose to make subsequent changes to the files, at which point you will need to re-import them.


  1. Prepare a suitable set of text splitting files for the target language and locate them in a folder that is accessible to Wincaps Q4

  2. Start Wincaps Q4, open a subtitle file and change the language to the language for which you want to configure text splitting

  3. In the Toolbox->Job Info pane, click the Text Splitting->Import button

  4. Browse to the folder in step 1 and click OK

  5. Wincaps Q4 will import the text splitting files, displaying a progress bar

  6. An "Import Successful" message will be displayed

  7. Click the Text Splitting->Configure button and configure the curves and weights as described here

  8. The text splitting files have now been imported and configured successfully for the chosen language


The above steps should be repeated for each different language you wish to subtitle in


Once they have been imported into the DataStore, you cannot view or edit the text splitting files directly.  To edit them, you will first need to export them to a disk folder using the Text Splitting->Export button.  After making your changes, you can re-import them using the same process as described above.    


If the text splitting files have not yet been imported for a particular language, the Text Splitting->Configure button will be disabled.  

See Also:

DataStore basics

Text splitting

Text splitting concepts

Text splitting reference