Open subtitle files in other formats

This topic describes how to open subtitle files in other formats directly into Wincaps Q4, converting their contents into a W32 file.


Learn how to import subtitle files in other formats into an existing subtitle file.


You can open an existing subtitle file in any of the following ways:



A standard Windows Open dialog is displayed.  Browse to the folder containing the file.  Note that Wincaps Q4 will remember the last directory you browsed to.



In the Files of type drop-down list, select Supported files.  This will display all subtitle files that Wincaps Q4 is capable of opening.  The full list of supported formats is described here.


Select the file you want to open and click the Open button.  Wincaps Q4 prompts you for the name of the W32 file that will be created in the process.


When you click Save, Wincaps Q4 launches the Import Wizard to guide you through the process of converting the source file to Wincaps Q4's native W32 format.

Choose the required options from those presented by the Wizard.  Click Finish at any step to complete the process.  There will be a short delay whilst Wincaps Q4 converts the subtitle file.

Finally you are prompted to assign a programme and customer to the new file:



The dialog defaults to the last selections that you made.  Select the desired programme/customer and click OK.


Q4 displays the file ready for editing.

See Also:

Close a subtitle file

Editing basics
File basics

Open a W32 subtitle file

Repair a damaged file