Creating story text

In this article:


Downloading text from a newsroom system

Pasting text from the clipboard

Inserting subtitles from another file


This topic describes the various approaches for creating and editing subtitles in Q-Live.  Of course you can create text simply by typing it in via the keyboard and most of the comprehensive editing features of Wincaps Q4 Offline are available in Q-Live, with some minor differences.  The other main ways of creating subtitle text are summarised below.

Downloading text from a Newsroom System

If you are using Q-Live in conjunction with a Newsroom System then the stories and their subtitles will be created automatically for you.  The system will split the newsroom text into sensible subtitles and filter out any unwanted information, e.g. camera directions.  However, you still have the full capability to edit the subtitles if required.  If a new version of the story comes through from the Newsroom System then any changes you have made to the original text will be automatically merged with the new version.  Q-Live will highlight any subtitles that have changed, allowing you to quickly and easily review the new text and correct it if necessary.


Learn more about how story merging works         

Pasting text from the clipboard

You can easily paste clipboard text into the current subtitle using the standard methods.  Wincaps Q4 will split the pasted text into sensible subtitles for you.

Inserting subtitles from another file

You can easily insert subtitles from another file into the current story.  Q-Live supports a wide range of  third-party file formats as wells as plain text.  Inserted text will be automatically split into sensible subtitles where necessary.

See Also:

Live subtitling basics

Story operations

Multiuser Editing