
In this article:


Creating a Super File

Supers Display

Exporting Supers


A 'Supers' file is for the graphical representation of a separate subtitle file to be viewed in the Timeline to show the position of Hard Of Hearing subtitles and translation subtitles. This can be used to re-position HoH subtitle so the HoH subtitles do not interfere with the translation subtitles on screen.


A 'Name Supers' file is associated to a W32 file but can contain separate file properties and can also be a separate personality. Wincaps Q4 can display both the main and 'Super' file on the Timeline in List and Timeline views.. These were initially created for files that contain translations of on screen names that are burned on to the signal so that HoH subtitles do not interfere with the viewing of either subtitle.


Creating a Super File

To create a Super file as part of the current file, click the Supers button in the File Properties section of the Toolbox->File Info tab and a prompt to create a Supers file appears:



A new file display will open and the properties will be the same as the main file except that the Supers file will always be created as Open Caption.


The subtitle background (apart from the subtitle being edited) is blue to distinguish it from the main file. See below:



The Supers file can be edited as normal and some file properties can be applied to the Supers file and text from different file formats can be inserted and imported into the file. There are some features that are not active when in the Super View, for example, you cannot associate a video in the Super View.

Supers Display

The main and supers subtitles are both displayed in the Media Timeline to give the graphical representation of where the subtitles will appear. Super subtitles are blue in the timeline.



To toggle between the main and Super view using Ctrl+Shift+P or using the main menu bar


The subtitles can also be viewed in the Timeline view:




Replaying the file against a video will display both subtitles in the Video Window, although this is only visible if the focus is in the main subtitle file:



Exporting Supers

Exporting from the Supers file/view will only export the subtitles in the Supers file. The full range of supported formats are available in the Supers view.

Exporting form the main file/view will export all the subtitles from the main file and the Supers file as well. These will be in timecode order and if subtitle intimes clash, the main file subtitle will be first. Subtitle numbering will be added for both files, main and Super, for example if there are 20 main subtitles and 10 supers subtitles there will be 30 subtitles in the export numbered from one to thirty in timecode order.


See Also:

Translation View