Import a file

This article describes how you can import another (non-Q4) document into Q4.

To learn how to insert text or subtitles whilst preserving the contents of the target file, click here.       


Use the following procedure to import a (non-Q4) source document into a new target file.


The source document can be in any of the supported import formats.


  1. Create a new file, selecting the customer and language as required.  The properties of the new file will be based on the corresponding customer template, though some of these properties may be overridden by the import process

  2. Select File : Import from the main menu

  3. A message is displayed, warning you that any subtitles in the current file will be lost.  Click Yes to continue.

  4. Choose the source file to import

  5. Q4 launches the Import Wizard to guide you through the process of importing the source file

  6. Choose the required options from those presented by the Import Wizard.  Click Finish at any step to accept your current choices and continue with the import process

  7. Q4 displays a progress dialog as the source file is imported  

  8. Warnings may be displayed if Q4 detects that results may not be sensible

  9. The import process is now complete


The import process obeys the following rules:


Import Wizard

The Import Wizard is designed to guide you through the process of importing or opening a third-party subtitle file.  It displays a series of dialogs that allow you to choose how the incoming data will be processed.  The set of dialogs displayed and their sequence will vary depending on the format of the source file and the choices that you make in the Wizard.  


Learn more about the Import Wizard options



See Also:

Configure Import - Text

Configure Import - PAC

Configure Import - EBU STL

Configure Import - SCC

File basics

Import and Insert basics

Open a subtitle file

Open subtitle files in other formats